Thursday, June 28, 2007


It's official The Spice Girls are reforming.

This should be interesting...


Loves young dream (otherwise known as Chantelle and Preston) have announced that they're filing for divorce. Didn't see that one coming.

Still at least they can console themselves with the big fat cheques, due to drop through the letter box any day now, from their 'My Marriage Hell' tabloid exclusives. Harsh? Why yes. But fair? Oh I think so.

Friday, June 22, 2007

It's Friday I'm In Love...

...with Kate Nash's new song "Foundations".

With lyrics like...

"You said I must eat so many lemons 'cause I am so bitter.

I said I'd rather be with your friends mate 'cause they are much fitter." can you resist.

ps. It does have a couple of rude words in it

It's Friday I'm (also) In Love...

...with "Boyz" by M.I.A.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Heat magazine is online!

Even more gossip and good stuff for us - hurrah!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The best of both worlds

Make yourself look and feel good this weekend at Visa Swap.

Visa Swap is a fabulously brand spanking new concept that allows you to give your closet a good spring clean and pick up a whole new wardrobe without spending a penny or damaging the environment - nice.

Just click here to find out what you have to do.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Paris Goes Down

...for three days!

So Ms Hilton has managed to serve a measly 3 days of a 23 day sentence (which had already been reduced from 45). Apparently she's been freed early due to a 'medical condition'. Although the exact nature of said 'condition' is yet to be released, I'm guessing it has something to do with a severe allergic reaction to being behind bars. I would imagine that the poor lamb came out in hives as soon as she laid eyes on the natty orange boiler suit she was going to have to wear and her tiny mind would have been totally fried by the idea of living sans mobile and credit cards for the next month.

Paris has since been tagged and placed under house arrest for the next 40 days - anyone want to place bets on how long it takes for diamond encrusted ankle tags to become all the rage in LA? Five quid says Posh will be the first.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Big Brother... we really care?

Despite having managed to avoid watching any of this years BB I still seem to be fully aware of all goings on in house. How does this happen? I did not ask for this. But it would seem that my subconscious just can't resist it. It must be picking up snippets from the fronts of other peoples papers, overhearing conversations at bus stops and have possibly even been sleep-watching the live overnight feed.

So anyhoo, I have decided that if I really must know what's going on then I shall choose where I'm getting my info from. And I choose the brilliant BB blog of Grace Dent. Hilariously honest, even if you don't like Big Brother this is well worth a read, so get clicking and check it out.

Friday, June 01, 2007

It's Friday I'm In Love...

with 'Captain Jack Sparrow'!

So 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End' hasn't been getting the best reviews in the world. But do we care? Hell no.

When a film stars the delectable Johnny Depp as the deliriously funny Captain Jack Sparrow, we won't hear a word said against it. Savvy?