Monday, December 31, 2007

Little Black Dress: The skinny

So… what is this Little Black Dress of which we speak?

Why – it’s a girl thing, of course!

Like having a penchant for purchasing very pretty but completely impractical shoes, an exhaustive knowledge of who’s dating who in Celebsville and needing to go to the loo in pairs, Little Black Dress books are an essential part of every girl’s life.

Smart, sassy and d*mn sexy, the Little Black Dress collection is more than mere chick-lit. We search high and low to offer the modern girl (that’s you, that is) the coolest in contemporary romantic fiction and guaranteed satisfaction every time. But when the LBD team aren’t tirelessly working to bring you more fabulous love stories, we’ll be online here filling you in on what we’re living, loving, and like, so totally over.

Want to know more about us? Then have a little look-see at our profiles. And then click on the links to check out some of our favourite sites, Little Black Dress authors and, of course, the official Little Black Dress site – go on, you know you want to…